“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me!” How many times have we heard children use this as a defense mechanism when others say something cruel or hurtful? How many times have you used it as such a defense mechanism? The fact of the matter is that there is tremendous […]
My Million-Dollar Recliner
What is the most valuable thing you own? If you had to answer this question, how quickly could you do so? What would you qualify as value: monetary value, sentimental value, future value? There is an old cliché that says “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”. Simply put, you may not value the things […]
Have you ever noticed of how much has been said and written about the effect that a positive mental attitude (the infamous “PMA”) has on an individual’s success and happiness? A variety of authors have written volumes of books on the subject, it has been the topic of countless audio and video programs, and television […]
I Took It Down
For quite some time, I’ve been a big fan of meaningful quotations. In my office, I have several quotations on my wall. They range from the inspirational to the humorous. Instead of all of the quotes that I love, I am compelled to tell you about one that I recently took down from my office […]
Resolution Revolution
“For the most part, you’re 100% right!” I almost laughed out loud when I heard this statement. It was issued by a business person at a recent meeting I attended. How in the world can something simultaneously be “for the most part” and “100%”?! It might not strike you as particularly humorous, but the contradiction […]